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These documents provide information to support your learning and ensure a successful training experience. Once you complete the document, email it to our admin team and we will contact you within 24 hours. If you have any further issues, feel free to contact us.

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook is an essential resource for all students. It contains crucial information about course requirements, assessment procedures, and support services. We encourage every student to review the handbook to ensure a successful learning experience.
Student Handbook


The Complaints & Appeals document outlines our formal process for handling student complaints and appeals. It details the steps to be followed in the event of a grievance and ensures that all concerns are addressed in a fair and transparent manner.
Complaints Form


The Language, Literacy & Numeracy test is designed to assess a student’s proficiency in these key areas. This test helps us identify any support needs and ensure that students are equipped with the necessary skills to successfully complete their chosen course.
LLN Test


The RPL Application form is for students who wish to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). By filling out this form, students can provide evidence of their existing skills and knowledge, which may lead to exemptions from certain course requirements.
RPL Application

Site Checklist

The Site Check Sheet is a form that must be completed for any premise or site where an assessment will take place. Only one form needs to be completed for each premise or site. This document helps us ensure that the assessment location meets our safety and quality standards.
Site Checklist


The JSA (Job Safety Analysis) document is a crucial tool for identifying potential hazards and implementing appropriate control measures in the workplace. It is an essential part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for all students and staff.